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tv   KTVU Noon News  FOX  October 17, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm PDT

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happen. >> giants are in st. louis to face the cardinals with the series tied at one game apiece. weather may cause a delay in the game. first, tara moriarty joins us live with walnut creek at a popular giants' hangup. >> reporter: good afternoon. this is mccovey's restaurants and giants fans have been trickling in. if we open up the back door, you can see all of the jerseys are up here from the team. posey, sandoval, everybody. some folks decided to take a late lunch and not head back to worked to today -- today. we have a crew in st. louis. debra villa lone caught them warming up. ktvu was on which dash was only able to -- ktvu was only able
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to get there. the skies over st. louis are looming. storms are expected to hit the stadium. the unders -- the grounds keeper remembered that the city received three inches of rain. owe so heavy winds tore the tarp. the mood right now in st. louis is let's get on with baseball then the teams would have to play saturday. that would really screw up the schedule. we have morements -- fans wearing orange. we may face some delays here. as far as the weather goes. let's check in with steve paulson to see how everything
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is unfolding. >> it's unfolding in a very omni mouse way -- omminnow's way. things are -- omminnow's way -- ominous way. severe thunderstorm watches have been posed -- posted. this area is prime for this. it's still about an hour and a half, two hours away. but i would be stunned if there was not 1078 kind of a delay but i still think they will get that game once that goes through. i think he'll have mostly cloudy skies here. mostly cloudy. we'll say 72, there will be thunderstorms in the area. i think there could be about an hour and a half delay as this system moves through. that's a pretty ominous system. >> all right. we'll check back with on the
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local weather. once again, assuming the game starts on time, you can watch game 3 on ktvu. our coverage starts at 123:30 with the -- 12:30 with the first pitch scheduled after that. tigers beat the yankees last night. cc sabathia is scheduled to pitch tonight at 5:00. san francisco authorities say they've arrested 64-year- old dr. marvin bonham faces 18 felony counts of trading prescriptions for cash and methamphetamine. he's medical director in santa clara county. investigators say he also provided meth and marijuana to minors. he's scheduled to be arraigned
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tomorrow. in developing news out of pacifica, police are investigating the discovery of a body. we have little information about what happened. but the intersection of lindomar boulevard is closed for the investigation. 24 is -- is video from newschopper2 just after 10:00 this morning. some media reports. but police have not confirmed that. we'll have more details on the website and coming up later in newscasts as the information becomes available. the oakland police -- the oakland police say 23- year-old charles butler was did you gunned down a -- was gunned down a few blocks from the market. they say this began when butler was parallel parking next to a car with two other men in it. >> if you saw the nudge that right there, the bad parking that mr. butler did is the
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reason why the people inside this car thought it was a reason to kill mr. butler. >> police are hoping someone will give them a call. a hiker found the body of 32-year-old eric dean garcia yesterday. autopsy results led them to call it a homicide. garcia disappeared with a -- disappeared from a party in san jose. >> san jose will be the lead agency. now that the body is located. our missing person's case is gonna be closed because he's no longer considered missing. >> garcia's motorcycle is still missing. investigators are on the scene of a construction accident this morning in palo alto. a man has head injuries after falling down an elevator shaft. new at noon, ktvu's ann ruben
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is in the 3400 block of hillview avenue to explain what happened. good afternoon, ann. >> reporter: good afternoon, well, authorities say the man was installing safety barricades at this elevator shaft. the 46-year-old worker was rushed to the hospital in serious condition. he fell between 25 and 30 feet. essentially going from the second floor into an open elevator pit just below the first floor. the incident happened at an i.t. company. the palo alto fire department responded to extradite the man a process which took under an hour. though sis supervisor did say he was able to move his arms and hands. >> first of all, we're concerned about his safety. and then we will through the investigation pro session identify everything that happened leading up to the cindy -- incident and see what possibly lead to the incident
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and that will give you -- that will give us the indicators of what we need to address. i don't know what those are right now. >> reporter: the builder plans to conduct an investigation as will cal show a -- cal/osha. live in palo alto, ann ruben, ktvu channel 2 news. a day after a more combative debate, president obama and mitt romney are taking their campaigns to battle ground states today. >> i've come back to cornel college today. i've come back to ask each of you for one big thing. i'm asking for your vote. i'm asking for your vote. >> mr. obama flew to iowa for an appearance in mount vernon. he's ripping apart romney's five-point plan claiming his opponent has never revealed any details about the plan. the president flies on to ohio
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after that rally. president obama and obama are making frequent stops just ahead of the november election. instant polls reversed the results from the first debate and gave president obama the edge as winner. according to cnn 46% of voters who watched the second debate thought the president won. 36% claimed romney won. after the first key bait -- debate, 67% thought romney won as compared to 26%. when he decide -- when he said that 47% of the people in the country considered themselves victims who refused responsibility think about blah he was talking about.
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>> the president's exercised have been -- pomcies have been exercised -- policies have been exercised over the four years and they've not brought jobs. >> romney also performed well and is viewed on the winner of some issues like the economy. a capsized raising boat heavily darked and -- damaged and set -- and set to be pulled from the bay today. steve paulson is back in a couple of minutes to talk about possible fire danger. and then i blacked out.
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[ female announcer ] ...who thought she had reached the end of her story. [ joycelin ] the doctor told me i had two brain aneurysms and that one of them had ruptured. [ female announcer ] fortunately, she was treated at sutter health's california pacific medical center.
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[ joycelin ] the nurses and doctors were amazing, and they were like a second family to me. and now i'm back to doing what i love. [ female announcer ] california pacific medical center and sutter health. our story is you. sheriff's deputies in southern california are going door to door telling residents to evacuate their homes, a wildfire started about 8:00 this morning in the painted cave area. about 100 homes are threatened. gusty winds are ma'am perking firefighting efforts and six air tankers are being used to help control the blaze. there's no word of any injuries
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or damage yet or no word on the cause of the fire. here in the bay area in san jose this morning, smoke killed -- filmed the skies that broke out in the brush after a fire broke out in some brush near a homeless camp. it started just before 8:30 near sky yoty creek in the air grau of -- in the area of wool creek drive. firefighters got the fire under control. no word on what caused the fire. and news chopper 2 got these pictures of another smoky fire that burned today in the east bay. the fire broke out at 9:30 in what appears to be an industrial facility along the railroad tracks. firefighters worked quickly to keep it from spreading. firefighters have not spread -- have not said what caused the fire. crews are fulling -- are pulling a giant raising boat. alex savidge shows us the
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damage from the boat and shows us what's next to the team? >> the capsized ka that ma rans with being carefully removed. cash cash catamarans -- the capsized catamaran is being removed from a crane. >> and they will pull the boat on the hard stand and the damage -- >> the delicate recovery openration took place at oracle team headquarters along pier 80 in san francisco. this followed a dramatic scene yesterday as the 7246 lightning carbon fire boat flipped end over end. the 11 oracle crew members escaped with just some bumps and bruises. the skipper said the team pushed the boats beyond the limits. we didn't want to do that. but that in itself is a
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learning experience for us. the safety boats were sent out to rescue the boats as the upside down, driven by an -- driven by an unusually clinic. the bet was -- the boat was towed back to base at night. from what the crew could tell the hull of the boat was seriously damaged and the wings was destroyed. >> this ac-72 ka that ma ron just hit the water two months ago. now it will be out of commission for several more months. this is a major setback. fortunately the america's cup is a long ways away. we have a second boat being built. but that second 72-footer won't be ready until next year. in san francisco, alex savidge, ktvu channel 2 news. people displaced by a huge building fire in berkeley have
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filed a lawsuit. firefighters say last november's fire started in the basement near elevator equipment. 68 people were displaced and two ground level businesses destroyed. according to the daily cal, dozens of former tenants are suing the -- are suing the owner alleging negligence. oakland city officials and police are speaking out about a call for violence during next you this's occupy oakland anniversary protest. you -- thursday's occupy oakland anniversary protest. over the weekend, the flier posted around town urged people to bring baseball bats to the upcoming protests to use against anyone who vandalizes. city. some residents say it's not right to fight violence with violence. i can understand their
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motivation wanting to protect oakland and make sure that people are taken care of in the city and wanting to -- wanting to use their energies for more positive forces. but i wouldn't agree with that tactic. police are investigating saying they will not tolerate another violent protest. apple could could be -- apple could be setting the stage for a -- could be setting the stage for an invite -- invite that says "we have a little more to show you." most abe lifts believe -- most anlifts believe they will un-- abe lifts believe -- analysts believe they will be unveiling a mini ipad. >> that was before other
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competitors started to sell tablets. they want to make sure other than iphone to get the tablet. cross says apple has a history of saying something has a bad idea until something turns it into a product. the city is holding an biannual blood drive. police officers and other city workers are among those giving blood. but the event is open to the public. anyone can contribute -- anybody want -- anybody who wants to contribute say the drive stipically generates -- typically generates about 50 units of blood. the goal is to boost that number as high as 100 units of blood. well, sunny and nice and warm here in fact very warm for system -- for some. no fog. there's fog other all over the place. today was clear from the get-
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go. it's sunnier and warm, it will stay warm. we have big changes coming up. first game 3 looks to be in jeopardy, at least the start of it. this is in springfield. watch the thunderstorm activity just blowing up right here. this line is really intensifying. the storm prediction center out of oklahoma city has painted almost all of missouri with severe weather. that's happening. to the best of that. there's a little low forming right here. this is gonna be very intense. out ahead of that -- out ahead of that -- i would be really surprised. i think they will get the latest. cloudy, misty, drizzly. back home what we're looking at, sunshine, wall to wall. temperatures are warming up. we also have a fire weather warning or high fire danger fire out tonight through tomorrow morning. it was originally out in the
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sacramento valley. now it's gonna be incorporated in the north bay. you can see why temperatures have warmed up. a lot of 8 os. 70s for many. it's 80. 81 in fairfield. 87 os for many. even down to mountain view at 81. the city is already 76 degrees which is warmer than downtown oakland. north 13 sacramento. north-northeast at travis. a northwesterly for some, a little calm at snowe. northwest at san jose. that can be a cooler direction. the theme is that it's out of the north and -- north and the five -- today looks to be the warmest day, as high pressure settles in. it will start to back off a little bit tomorrow. the northerly winds equal sunshine, near 90. 80 in san francisco. other areas close to the upper 80s and that includes santa rosa, napa, morgan hill, there will be plenty of warm temperatures today. however, he says, tori, tomorrow will be warm, in fact,
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i think 2 will be cooler by the coast. cooling begins on friday. and then much cooler by saturday, sunday. could see highs in the upper 60s. somewhere around tuesday i think we will get our first rain from the north. >> oh! >> we're due for some. >> thank you. >> any time. the masters of the knight exhibit features display at the zoos to show how bats are environmentally crucial. right now, 45 species of bats here in the u.s. are facing a big threat. the bat opens tomorrow and runs through january 6th. when we get back, one more check from steve on the st. louis weather and you will hear from reports about lance armstrong and they are not good. ñwñ
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surprisingly strong housing report helped push the stock market mostly higher -- mostly higher. greece close to reaching a deal with its international lenders to unlock aid for that nearly bankrupt country. there are two new developments involving lance
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armstrong today. nike has announced it is terminating its contract with amp strong after accusing him of misleading the company about doping for years. an analyst for "forbes" says armstrong could lose $50 million over the -- over the next five years due to lost endorsements. today is the 20th anniversary of the loma prieta quake -- loma prieta quake. most of the victims died from a double-decker cypress freeway structure collapsed. we want to check in one more time with steve for a look at the st. louis weather. >> that's not the case here.
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st. louis in the circle. and then severe thunderstorm warnings are already posted in advance. now once they get this part, this severe weather through, it looks pretty good, behind that you can get clearing. a programming note. "animal rescue" normally seen on wednesdays will not be seen today due to coverage of the nlcs game 3 coming up next, weather permitting. "animal rescue" can be seen this saturday at 10:30 a.m. thank you for trusting ktvu.
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